Job Opportunities for working at ISOLDE

Recent ISOLDE openings :

04.06.2024: ISOLDE Physics Section Leader and Spokesperson of the ISOLDE Collaboration, CERN. Additional information on the position can be found under the following link  

Recent openings at institutes active at ISOLDE:


General job opportunities at CERN (open on a continuous basis):

1. CERN Fellowship Programme

Fellowships are intended for young University level postgraduates who want to work in a research group. 

2. CERN Associates Programme

In order to fulfill its role as a European center, and as a member of the world-wide community of scientific institutes, CERN offers the use of its research facilities to a certain number of established scientists to participate in its programmes covering experimental and theoretical particle physics, as well as various related activities in applied physics, electronics, computing and engineering. Many of these scientists come from the Member States of CERN, but a limited number are also accepted from other countries.

Scientific Associates

The Scientific Associates programme is open to established scientists, both of Member and Non-Member States, wishing to work at CERN. Associates must remain employed at their home institute during their appointment and are expected to receive their salary or a sizeable fraction of it, while CERN provides financial assistance. The duration of the contract is at most one year. Extensions may be granted in exceptional cases, however the total duration of the appointment shall not exceed two years. No Associateship can be awarded less than five years after the end date of an earlier CERN Paid Associateship or Fellowship.

Corresponding Associates
Grants for Corresponding Associates are awarded to scientists holding research or teaching posts for a period of at most six months to help them keep abreast of developments in particle physics and related fields. During their stay at CERN, Corresponding Associates are expected to receive normal salary payments from their home institutes, while CERN adds a subsistence allowance to cover the additional costs of living in the Geneva area. These appointments are restricted to candidates employed by institutions from the smaller Member States, and are intended for scientists who have already had experience at CERN.

3. CERN Student programs

Various possibilities are offered to students from the CERN Member States to come and join the world's leading particle physics laboratory:

CERN Doctoral Student Program

If you are enrolled in the doctoral programme of a university in a Member State, and wish to spend twelve to 24 months of your thesis work at CERN, you may apply to the Doctoral Student Programme. This programme is open to students in the scientific and technical fields, except theoretical and experimental particle physics.
Within the CERN Doctoral Student Program several PhD projects at ISOLDE are offered.
The deadline for applications is given at the link above.

The German Doctoral Students program (Wolfgang-Gentner Stipendien)

A new German Doctoral Student Program at CERN (Wolfgang-Gentner-Stipendien), funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), has been set-up starting in October 2007. Approximately 20 students per year will be supported for a period of up to 3 years. The German Doctoral Student Program is fully integrated into the CERN Doctoral Student Program.
Special topics for PhD theses that are related to ISOLDE can be found here.

CERN Technical Student Program

If you have completed 18 months of your technical undergraduate studies, and your course requires a practical training period of six to twelve months, which you wish to spend at CERN, apply to the Technical Student Programme. Note that students of theoretical and experimental particle physics are not eligible for this programme.

CERN Summer Student Program

If you have completed at least three years of your undergraduate physics, engineering or computing studies, and wish to join a team at CERN for two to three months, while attending specifically designed academic training lectures, you should apply to the Summer Student Programme.

4. CERN Staff positions

CERN has a wide variety of staff employment opportunities. With an annual budget of about 900 MCHF and some 2700 highly qualified staff, the laboratory recruits about 100 new staff members each year. Due to the scientific and technical nature of the Organization, the great majority of the vacancies are located in the forefront of technical development.

5. Special Programmes

Special funding programmes offered by Europe and certain other countries.

6. MARIE Curie Fellowships

Marie Curie Fellowships provide European placements for post-doctoral researchers. Fellowships are available in any scientific discipline that contributes to the objectives of the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Individuals may apply for Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships open to EU and Associated State researchers of all ages, and Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships, that target experienced researchers from outside the EU and Associated States who want to move to Europe.

7. Further information

For further information on positions in nuclear physics and allied fields hosted by the Physics Department, write to the Physics Group Leader Prof. Sean Freeman at

For further information on positions in accelerator physics and allied fields hosted by the Accelerator and Beams Department, write to the Technical Coordinator Joachim Vollaire at