1. Technical news:
· The test of the LIST (Laser Ion Source and Trap) target on GPS successfully showed suppression of surface ionized species. At the current stage the beam of interest appears to be attenuated by at least an order of magnitude.
· Emission channeling experiment at GLM performed measurements with27Mg. The usual contamination of 27Al was much lower due to the low-aluminum content of the target.
· Successful measurements searching for beta-delayed fission of francium is ongoing at HRS. There have been technical problems in the beginning the most important of which was the low (10%) transmission of the RFQ. Subsequently the problem was solved by unconventional beam tuning. After the end of the run the problem with sparking in the RFQ will be investigated. A broken insulation of inside cabling is the most probable cause of the problem.
· RILIS is testing the ionization of astatine in collaboration with the "wind-mill" experiment. The results so far on 205At are promising.
· The REX emittance will be measured next week with a stable beam.
· REX is under turbo-pumps vacuum. Cryopumping will follow.
· The problem at the GPS/HRS switch yard has disappeared. There is an idea to investigate it in more detail, since the cause was not understood.
2. A.O.B.:
· Users whose citizenship is not within the EEE (European Economic Area: European Union + Norway and Iceland) are requested to obtain a “protocol d’accueil” when coming to CERN. This does not apply for people already resident in France regardless of their nationality. For more information browse the web page of the users office or ask Jenny.
· CRIS requests an open source to be used for beta-gamma coincidence in vacuum. Acquiring such a source for ISOLDE is being discussed.
· Yorick discussed with RP the condition of exporting radioactive sources collected at ISOLDE from CERN. This may be critical in cases when administration takes time in which the samples decay. There is a general understanding with the group leader Doris Forkel-Wirth. In cases of emergency she agrees to be contacted directly in order to speed up the process.
3. Seminars:
· Dr. Jan Kurcewicz (GSI) presented “Studies of the EC and bound-state beta- decays at the FRS-ESR”. Jan is a candidate for an applied fellow at ISOLDE.
· Next week there will be a talk by Francesca Zocca (BE-BI) about diagnostic techniques for REX.
· For more information and links to the slides please visit the ISOLDE - seminars page.
Minutes by DTY