23 March 2011

1. Technical news:

· The work on FE7 (GPS) proceeds according to schedule.

· The annual maintenance and cleaning of FE6 (HRS) is ongoing.

· The low-energy part of REX is under vacuum. EBIS requires further work before being pumped. The linac cabling is finished. The RF of REXTRAP is working. What follows is a test of the trap operation and the controls.

· The robots in the target zone are currently not operational. Technical support is required from the external company involved.

· The GLM plates have been inspected and parts of the mechanism have been replaced. Tests showed that the plates operate in a reliable manner. Work on the GHM plates followed.

· The ventilation at ISOLDE is off until 1 April. Avoid opening vacuum chambers which might be contaminated.

· The electrical inspection of ISOLDE (without the experiments) went fine. No serious problems were indicated.

· The new Faraday cups have no auto range function. The possibilities of implementing such are being investigated.

· ASTEC1 and ASTEC2 power supplies perform well. The quick recovery function still needs to be tested, but this will be possible only with protons on target.

2. A.O.B:

· Magda is planning to publish the ISOLDE schedule by the end of the week. The number of scheduled shifts is similar to previous years. REX will obtain about 200 shifts out of 450.

· ISOLDE got 8 summer students allocated, many of which were the supervisor’s first choice. Inform Yorick and Magda about your selection.

· Long-term storage equipment belonging to experiments in b. 133 is no longer possible, while 1-2- year storage is possible in b. 185. Contact Magda if you want to use this possibility.

· If you are attending the ARIS conference, do the early registration in order to get the reduced fee.

· Consider the Euro school on exotic beams at Jyväskylä, the school on GEANT4 close to Bratislava and the beta-NMR school at TRIUMF.

3. Seminars:

· Dr. Adriana Palffy (Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik) presented“Nuclear excitons and control of gamma-ray emission”.


Minutes by DTY