- News from the technical group and experiments:
- GPS:
- Problems with stuck deflector plate and FC in the GPS separator. Several interventions were necessary to investigate and solve the matter. There is an interlock to prevent the FC / deflector collision but the deflector motor was apparently slipping due to a damaged pinion.
- The damaged pinion has been replaced but the task was complicated due to the radioactive environment of the separator. The GPS is currently pumping again. Some tests still need to be performed to guarantee that the repair was successful and to recalibrate the motion of the deflector plate.
- This resulted in many shifts lost for implantation and for the target test (Hg from a molten Pbtarget). The proton scan still has to be done and then as much implantations as possible.
- The target will be changed next week to UCx (used target) for NICOLE and will provide a 49K beam for the study of 49Sc. The setup is under preparation.
- HRS:
- Last week run at ISOLTRAP taking beam from a UCx target connected to a VADIS ion source. No time for yield checks due to full attention on GPS. ISOLTRAP started on time but worked in the dark with respect to production yields of neutron-rich Ar isotopes.
- Commissioning of the new 'isobar separator' electrostatic trap (an electrostatic-mirror ToFseparator) at ISOLTRAP with promising results.
- No physics with neutron-rich Ar since the observed yields were not as high as expected: the improvement from the VADIS ion source was certainly not observed.
- Currently running 96Kr at MINIBALL. The yields of 92Kr have been measured by TS and are similar to those in the database, i.e. no improvement there either.
- A different gamma transition with respect to last year is observed: the possibility of contamination in the beam is thought responsible. TS is currently measuring the yields at mass 96.
- Coming this week-end: neutron-deficient 202Rn at MINIBALL and next week: neutron-rich Rn at MINIBALL.
- Network problems in the Control Room: Some read-back values flash red and do not return the value as usual (especially for the B section). Controls however still work and beams are delivered.
- T2 signals (proton pulse at time of impact) are also not working properly. The signal from the FIFO is too low to trigger most of the electronic modules. Tim GIles and his team are investigating.
- The bridge crane is still in use to search for electrical problems at the ceiling lamps. Changing the bulbs did not solve the existing problem and further work is needed. Use of the crane for the different experiments should be coordinated with the electricians. The ISOLTRAP crew raised the issue that the crane remaining too long above the magnets from Penning Trap experiments (ISOLTRAP/WITCH) could cause a quench. People in the ISOLDE hall should keep an eye to make sure that the crane does not remain unattended in those positions.
- The ISOLDE Machine Shop has been thoroughly cleaned and new bins have been placed there. Please keep the place tidy. Thanks to all people involved in the clean up. Should anyone notice any malfunction, please log the incident on paper at the Machine Shop and inform Deyan Yordanov (Deyan's name and contacts should be placed in the Machine Shop soon). The machines are quite old and CERN is concerned with possible safety issues. The status of the machines is currently under review.
- A.O.B:
- Should the water from the water fountain, which was recently installed in the ISOLDE visitor room, run low, please contact Magda in order to make a new order.For ecological/financial reasons, no more plastic cups will be acquired for ISOLDE. Everyone is invited to acquire his own cup/mug/glass. A pool shall be made for visitors and given to Jenny.
- A new Summer student has joined ISOLDE: Friedrich in the SolidState physics group under the supervision of Karl Johnston.
- Seminars
- Kristian Petrik (Ph.D. students from the Slovak Academy of Science in Bratislava) talked about the ion motion in the ISOLTRAP preparation trap calculated with SimonIon and a GPU.
- Jeremie Herbreteau (Summer student from Caen) talked about simulations of the beam transport to an MCP at ISOLTRAP and about a new possible 90 degree bender for the Tape Station system at ISOLTRAP.
- Anne-Catherine Yvinec(Summer student from Caen) presented the design and construction of a new chamber for the Tape Station at ISOLTRAP and improvements to the DAQ.
Minutes by TEC