3 November 2010

1. Technical news:


· On Thursday last week high-density uranium carbide target was installed at GPS for testing the performance of that material. It is coupled to a surface (and RILIS) ionizer and a neutron converter.

· On Friday followed work with stable beams extracted from that target. Over the weekend mass scans took place at different temperatures.

· The proton scan was performed on Monday afternoon and since then yields and release curves of alkali beams using directly the target and the converter have been recorded at several target and line temperatures. The allowed proton current on the target is 0.6mA or less (due to 3.5 higher density compared to standard ISOLDE UCx targets).

· On Tuesday both tape stations had technical problems and needed to be fixed.

· Since then the yield measurements continue at a rather conservative temperature of 1700°C. This is for comparison with the initial tests of the material conducted in Russia. The indication is that alkalis are released faster than expected, considering the increased density of the uranium.

· Today the temperature will be increased to what is normally used at ISOLDE (>2000°C). The yield measurements will continue until Thursday, when collections on Ag will take place continuing until Tuesday morning, then followed by RILIS development for At beams.


· The T-REX run on 78Zn went very well. This is despite problems with a PLC, which caused the target heating to drop 3 times (but the target survived). The PLC has been put on manual mode. At the end of the run 80Zn was investigated for 1h at MINIBALL in order to judge the feasibility of a future experiment.

· A new UC W target will be installed this Thursday to be used at COLLAPS, CRIS and ISOLTRAP.

1. A.O.B.:

· The last possible day for obtaining stable beams from ISOLDE will be December 6. After that the HT controllers will have to be removed from the racks.

· The IEFC committee approved the installation of the new front end at GPS during this shutdown.

· This Thursday and Friday, ISCC, INTC, and GUI meetings will take place.


Minutes by DTY