
Access to the ISOLDE Facility

For details of safety issues related to accessing the ISOLDE facility please click here.

General Safety Information

Some useful information concerning safety for CERN experiments can be found here .

A list of safety-related persons responsible for ISOLDE installations and buildings (ISOLDE hall, bldg 275, 508), together with the description of their responsibilities can be found at the bottom of this page. If you are not certain whom to contact in a given situation, ask the ISOLDE Physics Coordinator. For all safety contacts in the EP department, see

EXSO (Experimental Safety Officer) for all ISOLDE experiments: ISOLDE Physics Coordinator - Hanne Heylen

"Local EXSO", Safety Link Person for fixed installations: safety responsible for a given experiment, see the pdf file below

DSO (Departmental Safety Officer): EP dept. - Olga Beltramello (EP- ADSO for ISOLDE experiments - Laura Rowland) , BEams dept. - Christelle Gaignant, SYstems department - Anne Funken

RSO (Radioprotection Safety Officer): EP dept.- Federico Ravotti

RPO (Radiation Protection Officer): Alexandre Dorsival, Elodie Aubert

TSO (Territorial Safety Officer): Simon Mataguez (170); Hanne Heylen (508), Liss Vazquez Rodriguez (275)

LSO (Laser Safety Officer): EP dept. - Jan Troska

Safety Training

For ISOLDE Users several courses are offered which are related to safety. Those marked mandatory are required for access to the ISOLDE hall (in addition to generally required CERN safety courses e.g. "Safety at CERN", "Emergency Evacuation", "Radiation Protection - Awareness", "Radiation Protection - Supervised Area", "Electrical Safety - Awareness - Fundamentals" and "Electrical Safety - Awareness - Facilities"; for the complete list of pre-requisite courses to access a CERN beam facility, check the CERN LMS page).

For more information about the Safety Training offered at CERN please see .

To browse the catalogue of other Safety Training courses available at CERN, please see 

Radiation Protection

Details of Radiation Protection at CERN can be found via .

Your local Radiation Protection contacts for ISOLDE can be found in the Local Contacts document at the bottom of this page.

Radioactive sources at CERN

Details of Radioactive Sources Management at CERN can be found via

Your local Radioactive Sources contacts for ISOLDE can be found in the Local Contacts document at the bottom of this page.

Safety Clearance - Permanent / Long-Term Installations

Each installation requires EP Safety Clearance to operate. This shall be arranged with the EP Safety Office.

The Safety File for the installation shall be regularly updated on EDMS to capture evolution of the equipment and infrastructure. The Safety File shall also capture all relevant procedures and protocols related to the maintenance requirements, running of the installation and taking of data. The Safety File shall also capture any other relevant documentation (e.g. user manuals, risk assessments, inspection reports etc.).

New installations shall contact the EP Safety Office at the earliest possible opportunity.

Safety Clearance - Short Term (<3 weeks) Installations

Users with installations running for <3 weeks have to fill in the Initial Safety Information on Experiments at CERN (ISIEC) online: ISIEC Web Form (SSO Login required! - If it is your first connection, once you are logged in, click on PS/SPS TEMPORARY EXPERIMENTS ISIEC / Safety Clearance).

This form should be sent at least 1 week in advance (depending on the hazards present) to schedule the Safety Clearance visit. Please make sure you have finished the installation of your set-up for the visit. For  temporary installations running for >3 weeks, please send and email to the EP Safety Office. The EP Safety Clearance is mandatory in order to operate your set-up !

Chemical / Flammable Gas / Cryogenic Safety

If chemicals will be used, a chemical risk assessment (Solids and Liquids) shall be completed on CERES (N.B. Chemical Safety Awareness training should be completed before access can be requested).

For chemical gas usage or for the use of Cryogenics, an ODH Risk assessment shall be completed. Please contact the EP Chemical Safety Officer (Laura Rowland) for help with this.

For flammable gas usage contact the EP FGSOs, Letizia Di Giulio and Henric Wilkins.

Laser Safety

For the use of Class 3 or 4 lasers, additional safety checks shall be completed. Please contact the LSO (Jan Troska) and the EP Safety Office to arrange this.

Safety Documents

Safety Contacts

Accident Report

In the event of an accident or incident occurring whilst on the CERN site an EDH declaration shall be submitted here.

Further information can be found here.

In case of emergency or incident, call the CERN Fire and Rescue Service: +41 22 76 7444 (Tel: 74444 from inside CERN).





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