10 August 2011

1. Technical news:

• After HRS HV-­‐supply broke the week before and the first spare did not work, we use a 2nd spare (never used at ISOLDE before), ASTEC3 that is limited to 40kV. A few problems during IS477 that could not be solved by users including one intervention to HT room.

• GPS was operated at 50kV with ASTEC1 HV power-­‐supply. HRS is presently connected to the spare ASTEC3.

• GPS turbo pump stopped for short time for an unknown reason on Monday, restarted by Pascal.

• Radiation alarms were triggered a few times when COLLAPS was measuring the Cd isotopes. Problem solved by introducing more shielding around the end of COLLAPs beamline.

• CC0 FC in front of ISOLTRAP reads twice as much as other cups due to malfunctioning repeller. This will be addressed before the next ISOLTRAP beamtime.

2. Physics news

• MINIBALL probed the quadrupole collectivity of 128,126Cd isotopes (IS477). 126Cd was a bonus isotope.

• RILIS tested Cd ionization scheme with 1st step provided by a Ti:Sa laser. In spite of lower power, the ionization efficiency is the same as for dye, due of saturation of the transition.

• COLLAPS had a very successful run over the weekend and measured the mean square charge radii for the whole chain of Cd isotopes for A=106-­‐124, and 126.

• ISOLTRAP is presently measuring masses of n-­‐rich Fr isotopes.

• ISOLDE physics 2012 campaign may start as early as end of March -­‐ each experiment should inform their users about this possibility. We presently check if all service groups will be available for this early start.

• INTC will accept new proposals on November and February meetings, with preference given to November. And announcement will be send at the beginning of September.

3. Safety

• Radiation alarms triggered during COLLAPS time, see above.

• If you want to know the exact functions in the radiation monitors, please ask Magda or the COLLAPS team.

4 A.O.B:

• N2 available for venting only from portable gas bottle at the moment, one should contact Erwin Siesling if needed.

• Summer student supervisors are advised to check how their students talks are scheduled, contact Thomas if needed.

• Magda is away next week. Janne will replace her on Monday-­‐Thursday.

5 Seminars

• Macey Ruble presented his summer student work in the solid-­‐state physics group.

Minutes by JP