1. Technical news:
· REX: refurbishing one linac triplet, cabling ongoing, EBIS is under vacuum, stable DC beam through REX trap. Work is being done on the software controls for the trap.
· The RILIS lasers will be started up next week. Soon after, the area in front of LA1 occupied by RILIS will be cleared.
· Tim is planning to realign ISCOOL with the use of a laser beam. The whole procedure is estimated to take two days in total.
· Power connectors for use with FE7 have been installed. The water cooling is still to be tested for leaks.
· Auto ranging of the new FC will be possible with a frequency of 2Hz. For that purpose the controllers will have to be reprogrammed.
· The naming of ISOLDE vacuum equipment in the software controls will be changed in order to make it more logical and more consistent with CERN practices.
· The robots in the target area have been repaired. Long cables with no connector boxes between for remote control have been installed.
· The ventilation at ISOLDE should be back this Friday.
· The GPS switchyard has been repaired and is fully operational.
· Some safety aspects associated with the target water cooling are being investigated.
· The VIC safety committee (mentioned in January) has looked at and gave comments on the rearrangement of the solid-state lab in bldg 115.
· The first part of the schedule is now available online. It covers May - August. The September -November schedule will appear at a later point.
4. A.O.B:
· Groups of students from GB, DE, NE, BE, BG, and others will be visiting ISOLDE in the next months.
· If you have recent posters connected to your experiments or installations at ISOLDE, please send them to Magda. They will be printed and put in the ISOLDE hall.
· More care is needed for the ISOLDE workshop. It was thoroughly cleaned some months ago. The current state is unsatisfactory.
· New rules for storing food in the ISOLDE kitchen: put your food in one of the plastic boxes which are in the kitchen. Mark it with your name and/or experiment number and the date. This will help to keep the kitchen clean.
· Two more summer schools were recently announced at MSU and Otrano in Italy. They were added to the ISOLDE News section.
· The first circular for the Autumn Workshop on GEANT4 in Low Energy Physics, which ISOLDE co-organizes, has been released.
· Rick Casten will be visiting ISOLDE soon. He will present another comprehensive set of lectures on nuclear structure in the period 9-13 May. He will also give a seminar about the Physics of Baseball and a physics coffee related to this hobby - collecting maps. Precise announcements will be made at a later point.
5. Seminars:
· There will be no seminar next week.
Minutes by DTY