Organization and administration:
· All INTC documents will have to be submitted using the templates provided by the coordinator, which also include the required safety forms. For fixed installations the responsible people should prepare a safety file. Users who write proposals for that installation can easily refer to that file in their document to the INTC. In this case the users will need to fill the safety part of the templates only for bringing external equipment or making changes to the installation which are also related to safety.
· All INTC proposals and LOIs for ISOLDE will be reviewed in the future by the ISOLDE Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The composition of the TAC is: Yorick Blumenfeld (Physics Group leader), Richard Catherall (Technical coordinator), Valentin Fedosseev (RILIS), Christopher Griggs (safety), Karl Johnston (Solid State experiments), Magda Kowalska (Nuclear Physics experiments), Joao Carlos Batista Lopes (DGS-SEE; Safety-file expert), Thierry Stora (Targets and ion sources), Joachim Vollaire (Radioprotection), Fredrik Wenander (REX).
· The TAC will meet approximately 2 weeks before each INTC meeting and comment on the technical and safety aspects of the proposals and LOIs. The comments will be forwarded to the experiment spokespersons and to the members of the INTC.
· Many thanks for those who helped cleaning in building 275. The idea is to further improve the order by establishing zones belonging to the different installations. The initiative will continue with cleaning of the ISOLDE hall itself. Magda will specify the time at a later stage. In the mean time, there are some restrictions in using the usual long-term storage (building 133). Please discuss with Magda if you plan to move something to the long-term storage.
· Some time ago it was requested that the fixed installations at ISOLDE should be properly presented on the “ISOLDE web”. Some descriptions have been submitted already. However, there is no input yet from WITCH, CRIS and SSP, whose contribution is encouraged.
· Yorick Blumenfeld discussed the content and the relevance for the future of the CERN competency scheme.
Minutes by DTY