Applications are invited for a 2- year post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Santiago de Compostela for simulations of rare-isotope beam experiments using a gas-filled “active target” detection system. The post-doctoral fellow will work closely with the group at USC (and collaborators worldwide) to develop and implement into simulation, various aspects related to active targets and time projection chambers. The primary emphasis of this position will be focused on performing simulations of the physics cases associated with the scientific program of the group that includes: astrophysics, mirror symmetry and fission studies using direct reactions. The candidate will work on the optimization of the experimental set-up and on the development of analysis tools for the approved experiments.
The University of Santiago is also an integral part of the ACTAR TPC project, which has recently been funded by the ERC. The candidate will be also in charge of implementing specific features of the detector response, improving particle-tracking algorithms and will work on the optimization of the design of the detector in anticipation of first experiments with ACTAR TPC. Validation of the simulations will be carried out using a small demonstrator version of the ACTAR TPC design that will be used in in-beam measurements beginning in September 2014. The candidate will be expected to take an active part in these measurements. The applicant should hold a PhD in experimental nuclear physics preferably with background in physics with direct reactions. Experience with computing programming languages such as C, C++ and knowledge of relevant software packages such as ROOT and GEANT4 are required. Willingness to travel and participate in experiments at international facilities is essential. Experience with active targets or gas-filled detection systems would be advantageous.
Interested candidates should send (by email): a letter of motivation + a curriculum vitae with a list of publications + two letters of recommendation to: Dr B. Fernández Domínguez (, Dr. M. Caamaño Fresco ( or Dr. H. Alvarez-Pol ( The selection process will begin on the 1st of December 2013 and will remain open until the position is filled.
The position is supported by the Galician Regional Government “Xunta de Galicia” through the project “Axudas para proxectos de investigación desenvolvidos por investigadores emerxentes”