Postdoctoral Position in Nuclear Physics
University of Kentucky
We have an immediate opening for a postdoctoral scholar to work with the low-energy nuclear physics group at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (UKAL). Most of the research of our group is performed at the University’s 7-MV electrostatic accelerator; however, we also perform experiments at larger facilities, such as TRIUMF and HIγS. Related topics in nuclear spectroscopy, neutron-induced reactions, and neutron scattering are the focus of our research program, which includes selected studies in these forefront areas.
- nuclear structure relevant to double-beta decay
- nuclei undergoing shape transitions
- collective excitations and shape coexistence
- nuclear structure clues in searches for fundamental symmetries
- precise and accurate neutron scattering cross sections for the development of advanced, high-temperature nuclear reactors
The measurement of short lifetimes with the Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM) following inelastic neutron scattering is crucial in many of these studies. We frequently work in collaboration with theorists and data evaluators.
This appointment is for one year and is renewable for a second year. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to all activities of the laboratory and should have demonstrated expertise in nuclear spectroscopy or cross section measurements. Please send applications or inquiries, before July 15, 2014, to Prof. Steven W. Yates, Director, UKAL (