Post-doctoral research position, IP SASc, Bratislava

New, an accelerator-driven neutron laboratory is under construction at the Department of Nuclear Physics,

Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia. The facility will be equipped

with a Tandetron® with 2 MV maximal terminal voltage and will use (d,D) and (p,T) with gaseous targets to

produce fast, monoenergetic neutrons. The scientific program will be dominated by studies of nuclear

structure of stable isotopes using inelastic-neutron scattering, nuclear fission studies, cross-section

measurements and nuclear astrophysics studies with both neutrons and charged particles. The start of the

operation is foreseen in late 2015.

A team at the Department of Nuclear Physics is searching for talented individual seeking rewarding career to

join us a post-doctoral researcher. The successful applicant will join the ongoing project of the new

laboratory in the construction and commissioning phase. In the meantime he/she will also join an ongoing

experimental research program of the Department at CERN-ISOLDE (experiments IS521 and IS581),

University of Jyväskylä (experiments JR115 and S17) and iThemba Labs (experiment PR235a). The

Applicant’s own activities, that fit into the orientation of the group will be also welcome.

The position is open under the SASPRO programme of the Slovak Academy of Sciences which has strict

rules of eligibility:

• Only researchers who either have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.)

in the Slovak Republic for more than 12 months in the last 3 years prior to the deadline of

application submission, or Slovak nationals who have carried out their main activity in Third

countries at least 3 years prior to the deadline of application submission and who have resided or

carried out their main activity in the Slovak Republic for a maximum of 3 months prior to the

deadline of the application submission are eligible.

• Researcher must hold a PhD. or equivalent degree on the day of the application and must have

research experience up to 14 years maximum after obtaining the degree. Extension of this window

can be requested for reasons such as maternity or paternity leave, long-term illness, civil service,


Salary is depends on years of experience of the candidate:

• 1-5 years of experience after obtaining PhD: €2860 - 3140 per month (full-time)

• 6-10 years of experience after obtaining PhD: €3640 - 3900 per month (full-time)

• 11-14 years of experience after obtaining PhD: €4000 – 4280 per month (full-time)

Several other benefits are foreseen with the frame of the SASPRO programme, see attached document.

Researchers with an interest of above post-­doctoral position are encouraged to contact Martin Venhart ( for further information.

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