Present: K. Bharuth-Ram, B. Blank, R. Catherall, J. Cederkall, H. Fynbo, K. Johnston, Y. Kadi, N. Marginean, A. Nannini, G. Neyens, J. Pakarinen, M. Pfützner, K. Riisager, L. Schweikhard, N. Severijns (via Vidyo), S. Siem, O. Tengblad, M. Venhart
Excused: D. Doherty (replaced by A. Andreyev)
Absent: S. Gilardoni, A. Lagoyannis
Invited: B. Marsh(P.T.), J.A. Rodriguez, E. Siesling,
(P.T. = Part Time attendance)
The meeting starts at 09:00 h
1. Introductory remarks
The ISCC chairperson, B. Blank, opens the meeting and informs the committee that A. Andreyev replaces D. Doherty as the UK representative at this meeting.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting of June 26th, 2018
The minutes from the previous meeting are approved.
3. News from the 2018 HIE-ISOLDE running period– J.A. Rodriguez
The committee is informed that Phase 2B of the HIE-ISOLDE project, that is the 4th cryomodule and the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer (ISS), is now fully operational. J. A. Rodriguez explains that the highest reachable beam energy after Phase 2B for A/q=4.5 is 9.2MeV/u assuming all SRF cavities can operate at 6MV/m (10MeV/u will be possible, at this A/q value, only after Phase 3 of the project). However, due to a number of issues, the total operational gradient was limited to approximately 75% of the nominal and the maximum energy reached during the 2018 HIE-ISOLDE campaign was 7.4MeV/u for beams with A/q=4.5. Three of the twelve experiments conducted so far in 2018 would have benefitted from higher energies.
J. A. Rodriguez tells the committee that the first radioactive beams this year were delivered by HIE-ISOLDE on July 11th and approximately 1187 hours were provided to 12 experiments. An overview of the beam energies and hours delivered to the experiments is presented. The experiments in 2018, compared to previous years, were shorter and a higher number of isotopes and energies were achieved. In addition, multiple stable beams at different energies were provided to the three experimental stations, totalling 342 hours. J. A. Rodriguez then briefly summarises the set-up, main issues and highlights of the experiments run this year.
The committee is informed that, during the 2018 campaign, there has been an improvement in the reliability of the normal and superconducting RF systems with the downtime no longer dominated by RF components. There has been better machine scalability and reproducibility of set-ups as well as significantly reduced set-up times. Multiple machine developments have been conducted during the running period to improve the understanding of the linac and there has been very good feedback from the users about the systematic monitoring of the accelerator status (FBI) during the whole campaign.
It is then clarified by J. A. Rodriguez that certain developments are planned during the CERN Long Shutdown (LS2) which could allow a slight increase in the number of experiments that can be scheduled, however, time is already very limited. The committee is informed that studies on how to improve transmission will also be carried out during the long shutdown period.
The chairman thanks the operators for their continued hard work and congratulates them on such a successful year.
4. HIE-ISOLDE Phase 2 and outstanding issues– Y. Kadi
Y. Kadi reports that, as part of the completion of HIE-ISOLDE Phase 2, 2018 has seen a major repair of the cryogenic distribution system, recommissioning work in the tunnel and preparations for LS2 as well as the installation of the fourth cryomodule (CM4).
The performance of the cavities in all four cryomodules is presented and it is stated that performance of some of the cavities has been effected by field emission. Other issues experienced with each individual cryomodule are reported and Y. Kadi explains that CM4 is the worst operational cryomodule with the powering of one cavity not being possible. Hence, it has been decided to remove CM4 and refurbish it during LS2; building a completely new cryomodule would have cost between 500 and 600 kCHF and would have taken the collaboration two more years to finance. The committee is informed that a totally new team will take care of the refurbishment of CM4.
The committee is informed that three spare cavities are already available and a fourth will be cold tested by the end of 2018. Another seamless substrate will be ordered bringing the total number of spares available to five.
Y. Kadi presents the cost to completion of the HIE-ISOLDE project up to and including Phase 2. Since June 2017, the cost of the project has been reduced by 950kCHF (700kCHF for infrastructure and 250kCHF for the machine) and now stands at 78,187kCHF. Roughly 50% has been spent on personnel and 50% on material with CERN funding about a third of the project and the remaining two thirds of the funding coming from the ISOLDE Collaboration. The impact of present cost to completion on the external funding is presented with the collaboration still having to provide 400kCHF a year from 2019 to 2022 and another 393kCHF in 2023 (for phase 2).
Finally, Y. Kadi thanks all the groups involved in the HIE-ISOLDE project as well as the collaboration for their support. The chairman informs the committee that HIE-ISOLDE will cease to be a CERN “project” at the end of 2018 and thanks Y. Kadi and his colleagues for their great work and dedication during the project.
5. HIE-ISOLDE plans for LS2– E. Siesling
An overview of the REX low energy maintenance work as well as the consolidation and maintenance of the REX linac that is planned for LS2 is presented. E. Siesling then goes on to explain that at present 20% of the beam is lost between the REX separator and the HIE-ISOLDE Linac hence, in order to understand and improve the quality of the beam and reduce losses, three new standard type HIE-ISOLDE diagnostic boxes plus one new steerer will be installed during LS2. However, this will require severe modifications of vacuum chambers and supports.
The work involved in the repair of CM4 is then summarised. The transport of the cryomodule to SM18 is foreseen for mid-March 2019 and it is expected to be returned to the ISOLDE hall in January 2020 with installation complete and re-commissioning started by April 2020. Tests with stable beam are planned in parallel with the start-up of the ISOLDE low energy machine.
The committee is informed that other HIE-ISOLDE installation work planned for LS2 includes a survey scan of the complete SC Linac and REX as well as installation of 4 RAMES radiation monitors, to significantly improve the analysis of SRF cavities field emission issues, and the installation of silicon detectors in the XT02 and XT03 diagnostic boxes for energy measurements.
E. Siesling then summarises the cryogenics maintenance planned for 2019 and informs the committee that the cryo plant will be operational and ready for re-start before April 2020 when the cool down and re-commissioning of the HIE Linac is scheduled.
6. Plans at the ISOLDE front ends during LS2– R. Catherall
Recent highlights from the technical group are summarised. It is reported that the p2n converter is now being tested online and working very well and the first ever measurement of the electron affinity of Astatine has been achieved with the GANDALPH beamline at ISOLDE. The RFQcb ISCOOL testing campaign has been successfully completed however the LIEBE target project is now on hold due to unsatisfactory offline tests.
R. Catherall then details the planned activities during LS2. Offline testing of Frontends 10 and 11 will begin in January 2019 with their installation in the target area planned for May next year. Civil engineering for the class A laboratory extension, which will provide a safe environment to produce actinide nano targets, will start in September 2019 and commissioning of the extension is scheduled for April 2021. Other target area activities will include the revision and consolidation of the current camera situation, safety requalification of gas storage tanks and the maintenance and testing of the robot and Montrac system.
The committee is informed that J.P Ramos has been appointed the MEDICIS run coordinator and that it is planned to operate the facility between one and two weeks a month throughout LS2. There is a possibility that non-medical projects approved by the INTC and research board, such as isotope collections, could be scheduled at MEDICIS provided this does not collide with the medical programme.
R. Catherall then summarises the work planned in the ISOLDE hall. The second HT modulator will be installed during LS2 however, as the negative power supply will only be installed during the 2021-2022 winter shutdown, no negative beams will be available until 2022. New scanner units will be installed on the low energy beam lines and at the separators during 2019; the specification changes to the GPS scanner are presented. Commissioning of the fast tapestation is underway and installation in CA0 should take place next year. Other separator upgrades planned during LS2 include the revision of the mechanics of the slits on HRS, replacement of flexible compressed air lines and the refurbishment of the target and ion source gas system as well as the installation of a nitrogen gas supply line for experiments.
The planned maintenance and consolidation work for the ISOLDE vacuum systems is briefly summarised and the committee is told that it is preferable to keep the pumps in operational mode during LS2. R. Catherall then turns to the other services in the hall. There will be punctual electricity stops, with prior notice, throughout 2019 with a few stops already announced including a cut of the 18kV power to ISOLDE on April 3rd. There will be a four week stop of the ventilation systems throughout ISOLDE at some point during LS2 and there will be four weeks of cooling maintenance, when the cryo-compressor will be stopped, in January/February 2019.
The projects planned at the off-line facilities, including beam development, are briefly summarised and finally, the preliminary planning for the main LS2 activities is presented.
7. ISOLDE in ENSAR-NEXT – update from Catania meeting– G. Neyens
The committee is reminded that at the ENSAR2 Town Meeting in Groningen in April a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) was set up, with one representative from each current RI, in order to prepare the next Integrated Activity. In July the SSC selected Angela Bracco (INFN) to be the coordinator for the next EU IA-project. G. Neyens tells the committee that any ideas for the actual name of the next project are warmly welcome.
It is reported that the new IA-project should be significantly different from ENSAR2 with a strong focus on new communities, innovation and applications while more than 50% of the budget would be for Trans-National Access beamtime and user support. As the deadline for EU Infrastructure IA projects is 20th March 2019 the process of preparing the proposal is well underway. After a call to the community was made in July, 35 JRA and network ideas were presented at the meeting in Catania on 6th October. The SSC decided to encourage 10 JRAs and 8 networks to submit worked out proposals using a given template by 28th October and the deadline for TNA proposals was 5th November. At the next SSC meeting at CERN on 13th November it is planned to decide which proposals will go on to the next round or preparation, with the deadline for the final worked out proposals yet to be decided. The SSC will meet again on 11th January with the goal of having the final version of the IA-project by the end of February ready for submission in March.
8. Overview from the 2018 running period– K. Johnston
The distribution of this year’s beam requests between the different setups/types of physics is presented with 60% of requests being for HIE-ISOLDE. Protons were available for physics at ISOLDE from 9th April to 12th November i.e. 217 days compared to 224 in 2017. There were 90 days of low energy experiments before HIE-ISOLDE was ready to run from 9th July. Low and high energy experiments were then interleaved, with all three HIE beamlines in use and the low energy runs providing some breathing space. To allow for the best use of the machine, some experiments ran in parallel/invisible mode when not all the protons were needed by the main experiment. At the end of the year focus was on LOIs in order to look to the future. During the winter physics programme (without protons) two HIE-ISOLDE and one CRIS experiments as well as some emittance tests by MIRACLS could be scheduled. Winter Physics will start in week 46. HIE-ISOLDE experiments have been very demanding on both operators and the machine but good results have been obtained.
K. Johnston presents the final version of the ISOLDE schedule for 2018 and briefly summarises the issues encountered for specific experiments during the year. Unfortunately, HIE-ISOLDE experiments with multi nucleon transfer 94Rb and other strong primary beams could not take place; even though the correct rights were obtained and the safety procedure approved, running the experiments would have restricted too many other experiments from running and setting up in 2018. The machine use during the year is presented and shows that the only issue that caused any notable downtime was the 70Br run for ISOLTRAP.
The committee is shown the distribution of delivered shifts between the different types of physics and the shift balance for the various setups. The total number of outstanding shifts at ISOLDE is 1100 and this number takes into account the research board’s recommendation that two TAS experiments should be closed. A discussion takes place about why this decision was taken and the committee is told that the INTC felt that the scientific cases of the experiments had already been covered.
K. Johnston then summarises a few of the recent physics highlights including the Sb run at COLLAPS, Coulomb excitation of Ra/Rn isotopes, emission channeling results and PAC studies of multiferroic compounds as well as the first results from the ISS. Recent technical improvements at VITO are briefly summarised and it is reported that they now have a very stable and reliable setup.
The physics case for removing and repairing the HIE-ISOLDE cryomodule CM4 during LS2 in order to reach higher beam energies is presented. It is explained that a beam energy of 10MeV/u is of high importance for the exploitation of direct-reaction studies with ISS and Miniball, leading to larger cross sections and more distinct angular distributions for all reactions and masses thus maximising the efficiency of the experimental programme.
K. Johnston tells the committee that the operations team has put in a huge effort again during 2018 with a quite dense schedule nearly always delivered on time. Their understanding of the machine is of considerable help and their dedication is very highly appreciated. Certain issues have arisen during the year such as the difficulty to control molecular beams over time and weird supercycles since the autumn but stability of the targets has been very good and ion sources such as LIST and negative ions have been very successful.
The committee is informed that interaction with the MEDICIS facility has been mostly constructive this year and there has been a close collaboration with the MEDICIS run coordinator, J.P. Ramos. If protons could be maintained during target movement and improvements made to the Montrac security chain then MEDICIS could be essentially fully transparent to ISOLDE. However, it should be noted that MEDICIS has not yet been running in full “MEDICIS mode”.
It is reported that the presence of ISOLDE at this year’s “Night of the researchers”, which was also the official opening of the CERN esplanade, was greatly appreciated and it would be good to come up with new ideas for next year’s events in order to maintain the interest in the ISOLDE exhibit.
K. Johnston reminds the committee that the two technicians A. Goncalves and F. Garnier, who are supported by the collaboration, are available to ISOLDE Users to assist with mechanical work for their experiments. They have already carried out work for a number of setups including MIRACLS, IDS, HIE-ISOLDE and VITO which has been appreciated.
The committee is informed that the transition to the new CERN learning “hub”, which will have to be used by all users requiring safety training, has not been smooth. For several weeks it was difficult to clarify training situations and the validity of courses. Officially, it is no longer possible to register for practical courses in advance as an EDH account is required but, so far, in general safety training has still allowed new users to register by email. The fact that the trainer is external to CERN is still causing issues with courses cancelled due to transport problems and safety training wanting to cancel courses if no one is registered four weeks in advance. The back-up for cancelled courses is still not well implemented and changes in required courses are made without discussion. It is hoped that consultation with safety training will take place in order to improve the situation for after LS2.
Finally, the committee is told that publications arising from experiments that have received ENSAR2 support must be open access and that CERN is willing to support certain publications for open access if they feature a CERN author.
9. RILIS status and development during LS2– B. Marsh
The committee is informed that the CV upgrade for the RILIS laboratory has been postponed due to the heavy workload of technicians during LS2. Then the status of RILIS hardware consolidation and upgrades is presented including the multi-purpose pump laser that will soon be delivered, the new dye lasers and the solid state Raman lasers of which promising tests have been conducted. The MEDICIS laser laboratory (MELISSA) is progressing well and it is hoped that the first MELISSA beams will be produced during the winter of 2018/2019.
B. Marsh explains to the committee that it is hoped to have simultaneous HRS and GPS RILIS after LS2. This will require upgraded laser beam observation and stabilisation systems and rearrangement of the optical layout which should also mean reduced setup times as well as faster switching between elements and mass separators. During LS2 it is also planned to continue the consolidation of RILIS controls and monitoring systems in order to improve the long-term maintenance and expandability of RILIS data acquisition and controls and to be able to make use of CERN specialist support.
The committee is told that all RILIS development will move to offline-2 that will be running with spare RILIS hardware in early 2019. However, to properly equip offline-2, which can be considered a RILIS@MEDICIS test bench, will require approximately 300kCHF which has not yet been allocated.
The status of ongoing R&D at RILIS is then summarised including the direction of RILIS cavity developments and the progress of VADLIS optimisation and design, which it is hoped will be finalised for after LS2. Development of 2-proton ionisation is ongoing and has been demonstrated for the first time at ISOLDE while LIST development is also continuing. Tests of the picosecond laser to be used for laser induced molecular fragmentation at ISOLDE are planned for this winter.
The manpower situation at RILIS is summarised with the two CERN staff members, V. Fedosseev and B. Marsh working with the fellows C. Granados and S. Wilkins as well as the PhD student K. Chrysalidis. A new staff member, E. Granados, will soon join the EN-STI-LP section and extra support is provided from PNPI by D. Fedorov, P. Molkanov and M. Seliverstov.
B. Marsh concludes by presenting a list of the ISBM, RILIS and MEDICIS aims for after LS2. The committee is told that, at present, RILIS is used for between 60 and 70 percent of ISOLDE runs and offline-1 is always occupied for target preparation so there is very little time and opportunity for developments. Hence, the availability of offline-2 should be a game changer for RILIS.
10. News from ISOLDE group / EURISOL-DF status/ financial report / new coordinator– G. Neyens
The present manpower situation in the ISOLDE Physics Group is summarized by G. Neyens.
• Associate: None at present but one request received. Deadline for new applications 15th March 2019.
• Staff Members: Stephan Malbrunot-Ettenbauer (ERC MIRACLS) (February 2017 to January 2021), Karl Johnston (Physics Coordinator) (October 2015 to September 2019), Gerda Neyens (Physics Group Leader) (June 2017 to June 2020).
• User: Jenny Weterings (User Support) (2002- )
• Research Fellows: Liam Gaffney – Miniball (October 2016 to September 2019), Hanne Heylen – COLLAPS/MIRACLS (October 2017 to September 2020), Ronald Garcia Ruiz – CRIS (January 2018 to December 2019). Deadline for new applications 4th March 2019.
• Applied Fellows: Stavroula Pallada –BetaDROPNMR (April 2017 to March 2019), Frank Wienholtz – MR-TOF-MS (January 2016 to December 2018), Joonas Konki – HIE-ISOLDE Experiments (March 2018 to February 2020), Simon Sels – MIRACLS (April 2018 to March 2020). Deadline for new applications 4th March 2019.
• Doctoral Students: Robert Harding (CERN-ERC Betadrop) (January 2017 to December 2018), Jonas Karthein (CERN via Gentner Doctoral Program) (November 2017 to October 2020), Varvara Lagaki (CERN-MIRACLS) (September 2017 to August 2020), Simon Lechner (CERN-MIRACLS) (September 2017 to August 2020), Jared Croese (CERN- EP-SME) (February 2018 to January 2021), Peter Plattner (CERN via Austrian Doctoral Program) (August 2018 to July 2021), Katarzyna Maria Dziubinska-Kuhn (CERN-ERC Betadrop) (October 2018 to September 2021).
The committee is informed that the EMIS 2018 conference organised at CERN in September was a great success with 178 participants from 21 countries, 9 exhibitors and 2 sponsors. There were 58 presentations with a prize for the best PhD speaker and 2 poster sessions with a total of 89 posters of which 4 were awarded prizes. All the prizes were sponsored by NuPECC. There was also a very successful public lecture held in the Globe as part of the conference and given by Prof. Marco Durante from GSI as well as two additional workshops provided by VSim and CAEN.
The programme for the ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting in December, which is now online, is presented. The event will be made up of 22 invited talks, 18 oral contributions and 29 posters. Prizes awarded at the workshop will again be sponsored by CAEN.
G. Neyens presents the distribution between countries of the 1314 ISOLDE users registered from 2015 onwards. In this period, people from institutes from 27 European and 16 non-European countries have registered as users and hence taken part in experiments at the ISOLDE facility.
The committee is reminded that ENSAR2 TNA funding for users from outside Europe is based on an exchange agreement. Hence, European users going to the facilities below can ask for support to cover local expenses:
- CHINA: IMP-CAS Lanzhou;
- SOUTH AFRICA: iThemba Cape Town
- UNITED STATES: NSCL East Lansing, ANL Chicago
The new timeline for the EURISOL-Distributed Facility (DF) is presented. As the deadline to submit proposals to ESFRI is January 2020, the EURISOL-DF Steering Committee is planning to finalise and print both the Executive Summary and the brochure by February 2019 and meetings with funding agencies will take place from January 2019 onwards in order to ensure support from at least three EU countries. The official announcement of projects selected by ESFRI is expected in October 2021.
G. Neyens shows the committee an overview of which member states have paid their contribution to the ISOLDE Collaboration for 2018. Payments are still outstanding from Sweden, Spain and Greece and only partial payments have been received from Germany and Poland. Both Spain and Greece have unpaid invoices from previous years. The committee is informed that an agreement for the Bose Institute in Kolkata to become an institute member of the collaboration has been signed by CERN and sent to India. Hence, the Bose Institute will be invoiced for 10kCHF for 2018. A consortium of Portugese institutes will be invoiced 10kCHF for 2019 and 2020 without signing an agreement. They hope this payment will then help in negotiations with their national funding agencies in order to become a full member of the collaboration in the future.
A brief overview of collaboration expenditure for 2018 is presented followed by the expenditure forecast for 2019. The committee is reminded that the collaboration still has to make payments of 140kCHF in 2019 and 2020 to repay the HIE-ISOLDE loan signed between the ISCC and CERN as well as the yearly payments of 400kCHF until 2022, with an extra payment in 2023 as explained by Y. Kadi above, in accordance with the memo signed by E. Elsen, G. Neyens and B. Blank in 2017.
G. Neyens informs the committee that, even though it was agreed at the last ISCC meeting to extend the contract of A. Miyazaki working within the HIE-ISOLDE project by one year, he has since found another position. As there are at present no candidates to replace Mr. Miyazaki, the committee decides to postpone a decision about how to proceed with this matter until a work programme and suitable candidates are available.
The committee is told by B. Blank that the contract of the present ISOLDE Scientific Coordinator, K. Johnston, will end in September 2019 and that of the ISOLDE Group Leader in June 2020. A discussion follows about how to proceed because having a change of Scientific Coordinator during LS2 does not allow for an optimal hand over which can only occur during a running period of the facility. It is decided that CERN Human Resources should be contacted to find out what contract possibilities are available in order to try to avoid the change of coordinator during LS2.
12. Discussion on ISOLDE in the EPPS– K. Riisager
K. Riisager presents the timeline for the European Particle Physics Strategy Update as well as the makeup of the committees that will prepare the final document. The committee is reminded that the EPPS input from the ISOLDE Collaboration has to be submitted by 18th December and the guidelines for the format of the input are shown.
The committee is told that the so-called EPIC (Exploiting the Potential of ISOLDE at CERN) project which will be the ISOLDE Collaboration input to the EPPS update will contain information about the world leading choice of beams available at ISOLDE and the ever expanding users community as well as the following objectives for the facility:
- Improve the exploitation of the existing infrastructure
- Profit from increased driver beam energy and intensity (2 GeV, 4µA)
- A new storage ring for short-lived and heavy ions
- Have multiple simultaneous beams for users
- Meet modern radioactive standards
A discussion follows about how best to present these objectives and the impact they will have on physics at ISOLDE in the document submitted to the EPPS. The committee agrees that it should be stressed that it is essential to profit from the investment in ISOLDE already made by CERN and to increase even further the user community already growing due to HIE-ISOLDE. G. Neyens informs the committee that comments about the draft input document from the ISOLDE community are welcome and the document will be sent to the ISOLDE mailing list with a request for feedback.
In order to assist future decisions about which path the facility should follow, it is decided that the ISOLDE management should, in 2019, prepare integration studies for the various projects proposed within the above objectives.
13. News from the INTC – review procedure– K. Riisager
The committee is informed that no proposals or LOIs will be accepted by the INTC during the remainder of 2018 and the whole of 2019. Status reports will be required from all experiments with remaining shifts. Experiments that the INTC decides will no longer be relevant after LS2 will have their remaining shifts cancelled.
K. Riisager tells the committee that Maurycy Rejmund from GANIL has been appointed as a new member of the INTC.
14. Existing and new experiments in the ISOLDE hall– K. Johnston
An overview of the present use of hall space around the ISOLDE beamlines is presented. A number of changes are planned at GLM/GHM including the installation of a new shielded fume cupboard and a new collection chamber going online as well as the redistribution of space and semi-closing to provide class C workspace. It is stressed, however, that it is very important to maintain access to the area for visiting, temporary or new setups. The committee is told that LA1 is to be kept for travelling experiments and that MIRACLS has requested space at LA2, currently occupied by the Fast tape Station (FTS), for a semi-permanent installation. The committee agrees to the request made by MIRACLS.
The status of other setups is then briefly outlined. The full impact of the planned CRIS platform is still being studied and the VITO setup is making continual progress while upgrades but no major changes are planned during LS2 at ISOLTRAP and ISS. Use of the scattering chamber has increased recently while at NICOLE, cooling is underway but it has not taken beam since 2010. Nicole only has two experiments, one from 2007 and the other from 2013, that still have shifts remaining and, as there is other interest in the space, a decision about the future of NICOLE will need to be made. A similar decision will be required for TAS/Lucretia since the setup currently has no approved experiments and any future running will require technical modifications. Hence, the committee decides to request presentations from both the NICOLE and TAS/Lucretia collaborations at the next meeting so that a decision about the future of the two setups can be made at the ISCC meeting in July 2019.
The number of accepted shifts remaining at the various setups at ISOLDE is presented and K. Johnston explains that possible future setups include PUMA, a revised ASPIC-type beamline and a new online Mossbauer chamber and PAC setup. The committee is also told that storage of these setups will be a consideration as there is a lack of dedicated storage space at the facility as well as no areas for contaminated material to be stored. This will become more of an issue as transport of radioactive material is becoming more difficult.
Finally, the committee is informed that, in building 508, there has been an upgrade to the new wifi standard and the major repair of the leak, due to the puncturing of pipes during the installation of a false ceiling, will take place in January and is covered by the building guarantee.
15. A.O.B.
- The chairman reminds the committee that the term for the committee chairperson is 3 years so a new chair will have to be selected during the first or second ISCC meeting in 2019.
16. Dates of the next meeting
The dates of the ISCC meetings in 2019 are Tuesday 5th February (to be confirmed), Monday 1st July and Tuesday 5th November.
Meeting ends at 16:07
N.B. The overheads of the above presentations can be found via .