Chairman: Yorick Blumenfeld
Scientific secretary: R. Catherall (for T. Stora)
Present: J. Billowes, Y. Blumenfeld, M. Kowalska, J. Vollaire, F. Wenander, R. Losito, K. Hanke, P. Butler, P. Van Duppen, M. Garcia Borge
Excused: J.Lettry, M. Huyse, Y.Kadi, K. Blaum, T. Stora,
1. Welcome to new members
2. Approval of the minutes of last meeting
3. Revision of SGUI mandate (with respect to new HIE ISOLDE committees)
4. Developments in 2010 (Richard Catherall reporting for Thierry Stora)
5. Priorities for target and ion source development (Magda Kowalska & Richard Catherall)
6. Production of long lived beams (Fredrik Wenander)
7. New robot handling system. (Richard Catherall)
8. AOB
9. Next meeting
1. Welcome to new members (YB)
After a round table introduction of each member of the group, Y. Blumenfeld welcomes the following new members:
Magdalena Kowalska replacing Alex Herlert as ISOLDE Physics Coordinator
Joachim Vollaire representing Radiation Protection and RP issues for new projects
Klaus Hanke as responsible for Booster and ISOLDE operations and the Booster upgrade.
Y. Blumenfeld thanks the outgoing members Roland Garoby, Alexander Herlert, Thomas Otto and Patricia Roussel-Chomaz for their excellent service in the group.
2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting (YB)
The minutes were approved
3. Revision of SGUI mandate with respect to HIE-ISOLDE Committees (YB)
After a general discussion, it was decided that the mandate of the SGUI will be to address the short-term upgrades of the ISOLDE Facility excluding the HIE-ISOLDE project and to set priorities for future beam development.
The frequency of the meeting shall be twice per year, coinciding with the fall and summer meetings of the INTC. The next meeting will take place on the 7th July 2011.
4. Developments in 2010 (RC)
On behalf of T. Stora, R. Catherall presents results on developments throughout 2010. The main points presented include;
• The successful production of 140Nd using RILIS. Nd beams can now be made available for physics. However, the first tests for the production of Sm beams were not conclusive and are on-going.
• The production of 12Be using thin foils. The priority of this development was changed to 11Be in order to provide beam to IS430.
• The High Density Uranium Carbide (HDUC) from Russia is currently being tested on-line as is the LIST ion source at the off-line separator.
5. Priorities for target and ion source development (MK and RC)
After discussion on possible developments presented by both T. Stora and members of the group, the following developments in order of priority were retained:
• The development of 30Na beams matching the ISOLDE database yield
• The successful production of 72Kr
• The production of 8B beams. This development has taken more importance since 6 LoI’s have been presented in the recent INTC meeting.
• Completion of the 142Sm beam development
The group also proposed the following points:
• The development of 9C beams should continue, however, the experiment should not be scheduled until tests have been validated on-line.
• In view of the recent success of the VADIS ion sources and new target materials, there is a clear need to redefine the potential of VADIS/target combinations for the planning of future experiments. It is therefore proposed to better characterize these systems by devoting sufficient time to carry out thorough target tests.
6. Production of long-lived beams. (FW)
F. Wenander presented the issues associated with the use of long-lived radioactive ion beams in the REX machine and outlined the consequences when opening the machine to atmosphere for interventions (slides). In collaboration with RP, procedures will be drafted and preparations made for the opening of the REX machine taking into account the worst possible scenario. The INTC will be provided with information from RP and the future technical committee describing the consequences for machine maintenance and chamber openings in case long-lived radioactive beams are accepted. If the procedures proposed by RP are accepted and followed, and the level of activity remains low, physics with long-lived radioactive beams may be done at REX. It was noted that the consequences will be limited for the opening of REX which occurs about 3 times per year but that MINIBALL will be most affected should the intervention times be long. Initially it was proposed to have a RP specialist assigned to MINIBALL to deal with this issue but taking note that the RP Expert course lasts for 2 weeks and that there is a regular rotation of MINIBALL supervisors, P. Van Duppen proposes to do an in situ test at the end of 2011 by implanting beams into MINIBALL and characterizing the risks when opening the chamber. Under these conditions, RP agreed to waive the need for a RP specialist in the short term.
7. New robot handling system. (RC)
R. Catherall presents the conceptual design of the new target handling robot system at ISOLDE. The main changes with respect to the existing system are:
• There will be one system for both separators
• The robot arm will be mounted on an autonomously guided vehicle
• The system will be stored externally to the target area
• There will be an independent back-up in the case of failure
The conception and details are still under investigation with an important emphasis on the inherent and operational safety file for the equipment. Tests on auto-correction through remote visualization are presently on-going at Staubli. The planned installation is for 2013 and would ideally collide with the long shutdown planned at CERN should it be postponed by one year.
8. AOB
The agenda of the next meeting will include a presentation by K. Hanke on the upgrade of the Booster to 2 GeV and a presentation by T. Giles on the Fast Tape Station status and measurements.
9. Next meeting
The next meeting is planned for the 7th July 2011
Minutes by Richard Catherall
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