Chairperson: Maria J. Borge
Scientific secretary: Thierry Stora
Participants : Yorick Blumenfeld, Tim Giles, Richard Catherall, Tania de Melo Mendonca, Magda Kowalska, Bruce Marsh, Maria Garcia Borge, Pierre Delahaye
Excused: Thierry Stora, Roberto Losito, Alexander Gottberg, Kieran Flanagan, Karsten Risaager
(List to be confirmed.)
1.- Introduction and Agenda
The agenda is adopted.
2. TISD report (T. Mendonca)
TISD activities were reported; this includes the development of nanostructured TiC using a carbon black allotrope, which delivered steady, yet lower than expected 37K beams for IS527. A nanostructured LaC2-MWCNT target was also developed. N deficient Cs and Ba as BaF+ were measured upon injection of CF4 gas. A third nanostructured target of UC2 and MWCNT was developed and tested within the ENSAR-ActILab. Stable and improved yields of 30Na were obtained, as well as good yields of a number of n-rich alkali metals. The other advantage is a reduced mas of Uranium, hence less waste and secondary particles induced some background in the experimental hall. 8B production from a MWCNT-VADIS source with a SF6 injection was seen, but awaits confirmation later this year. This was the subject of the PhD of C. Seiffert, and will be taken over by J. Ballof. Despite of difficulties, a molten salt target unit was operated again and confirmed the excellent performance for 11C beam production. The report was concluded with the recent results obtained on the LIEBE project, with radioisotopes inventories done and offline tests ongoing. This intervention was concluded with an update of the work in progress to restore and upgrade the Isolde yield database.
3. New beam request
The requested list is the following:
4. Tape station status
5. Operational constrains in 2015
There are a number of changes for the operation of the facility for 2015: this is new fesa classes for moving elements such as the slits or target clamps and for the magnets, a new gas injection and RF system for the RFQ, new patch panel for target connection. The Linac and low energy part of REX will be starting in 2015, with a commissioning plan for HIE ISOLDE start-up. Finally, P. Fernier will be no more on shift, and a new IMS E. Matli will be starting. Decision as when to move to the new control room should be taken, ideally before end of 2015.
6. IS_Cool status
A report on the all the refurbishment that took place on the RFQ Cooler during LS1. This includes alignement, recabling, changes of the insulators, He injection system. Also RF pumping was tried on 88Sr. Bunching mode was also tested. This was concluded by some progress of the offline separator 2 and RFQCooler , which is highly required to make significant progresses in the reliability and development of beam preparation at Isolde.
8. Next meeting
The next GUI meeting is foreseen on (Note added after the meeting) 1st July
Minutes by Thierry Stora