37th ISCC Meeting

Minutes 37th ISCC Meeting 30 September 2003

Present: M. Lindroos, T. Nilsson, G. Huber, B. Jonson (chairman), P. Butler, P. Dessagne, M. Garcia-Borge, S. Franchoo, J. Äystö, K. Heyde, A. Jokinen, V. Fedosseev(p.t.)

Excused: A. Di Pietro, G. Weyer, H. Ravn, N. Stone, D. Habs

The meeting starts at 09.00 h

1. Introductory remarks by the chairman

B. Jonson welcomes the ISCC members.

2. Approval of the minutes of the 36th meeting.

The minutes are approved without any changes.

3. Schedule

T. Nilsson informs the committee of the following points:

- The HRS should run from now until the shutdown.

- It seems unlikely that the REX run at 3.1MeV/u will take place this year. This, however, should not affect the planned experiments. Next year, the experimental output of REX will be higher as quite a number of experiments have been approved.

- The extension of the running period until 10th of November has been approved. The running of the HRS during this period will help to increase the total number of shifts achieved this year.

4. News from the AB Division
-Mats Lindroos reports that the HRS front-end high voltage problems are now under control. He summarizes the tests that have been carried out on the HRS front end and how the problem of the leak current was solved.

- The committee is told of the beam transport problems which are caused by beam distortions and of the on going work to reduce these problems; using calculated settings 90-95% of the beam has been transported all the way to MISTRAL. In order to make this a useable process, however, the emmitance must first be measured on line. 

5. INTC matters
J. Äystö reports on the previous day’s INTC meeting; all three proposals discussed were approved. Three letters of intent had been considered and the collaborations behind I-047 and I-048 were asked to prepare full proposals.

The committee agrees that the presentation of the ISOTRAP status report in the INTC meeting had been a success and J. Äystö suggests that the next status report should come from REX-ISOLDE.

J. Äystö informs the committee of the dates of next year’s INTC meetings:

                        23-24 February

                        24-25 May

                        20-21  September

                        15-16   November

6. Status of REX-ISOLDE integration with CERN, and MoU.
-M. Lindroos informs the committee that the selection process for the two engineer/physicist posts is in progress and the selections boards for the two technician posts could take place in October. However, P. Butler reports that the funding for the second technician post is now unlikely to come from the UK, so the committee agrees to postpone the board for this post until the New Year. This will give more time to find the required funding (~90kCHF).

The committee is told by M. Lindroos that the integration process, with himself as project leader, will start as soon as the two engineers are appointed.

-P. Butler requests that the representatives of those countries who have not yet returned their signed copies of the new MoU check the situation regarding this document.

7. Status of RILIS

V. Fedosseev presents the status of RILIS (see copies of transparencies). The committee congratulates V. Fedosseev and G. Suberlucq for their hard work and the results that they have achieved.

V. Fedosseev tells the committee that the running of RILIS requires a high level of manpower and he summarizes the situation for 2004; B. Marsh will work 50% at RILIS and there is the possibility of help from experts from Gatchina, with funding for approximately 4 months from Russian funds. He enquires if any other students would be available to help.


8. Status of Hall Extension and Class A laboratory

-M. Lindroos reports that the hall extension project is progressing; tenders have been sent out. He notes that the CERN transport section is unable to move from its location near building 170 because CERN has recently made a considerable investment for the decontamination of trucks.

- M. Lindroos summarizes the financial situation of the extension of building 170. The total cost will be 1.3 million CHF and as yet only 300KCHF has been found, from the CERN Director General’s reserve, leaving another million CHF to be found.

- The committee is informed that the Class A laboratory, which will allow the handling of all desired radioactive isotopes, will be entirely financed by the AB Division. The two technicians, one of whom must supervise work in the laboratory at all times, have already been hired.

9. Status of REX

P. Butler informs the committee that a meeting of the REX collaboration was held in June to discuss the future upgrade of REX to 4.1MeV/u. The first step towards this upgrade will be the hall extension and it is noted that there will be an increase in radiation levels arising from the higher energy.

10. Status of the 6th Framework Proposals proposal

B. Jonson reports that the funding decision is now expected in the spring of 2004.

11. ISCC Membership terms

B. Jonson discusses the suggestion that the ISCC representatives have a 3-year membership term with the possibility of extension. The committee members are asked to email their thoughts on this matter to B. Jonson, including the length of time that they would personally prefer to stay on the committee.

12. Broadcast of ISCC minutes on ISOLDE web page

It is decided to link the ISCC minutes to the ISOLDE web page.

13. New CERN management structure and implications for ISOLDE

P. Butler informs the committee of the changes to the CERN management:

-          One director will replace the 4 research directors.

-          The EP and Theory divisions will merge to form the Physics Division

-          Input to the management from the experiments will come from the Technical coordinator and the experiment spokesperson.

It is suggested that it is investigated how the contact with the new management will work in



13. A.O.B.
- G. Huber suggests that the Class A laboratory should have a link with antiproton research as this would strengthen the position of ISOLDE within CERN.

- M. Lindroos informs the committee that H. Haas is working part-time on the high charge beam line and will complete a plan for solid state physics by December.

- P. Butler notes that the design engineer problem will have to be solved next year.

14. Selection of new ISOLDE Scientific Coordinator.

The committee discusses the applications of the 10 candidates for the position of ISOLDE

Scientific coordinator.

The meeting ends at 12:20 h


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