34th ISCC meeting

Minutes ISCC meeting 26th November 2002

Present: M. de Saint-Simon, H. Flocard (p.t), A. Jokinen, M. Lindroos, T. Nilsson, G. Huber (p.t.), H. Ravn, B. Jonson (chairperson), K. Heyde, P. Butler, J. Äystö, N. Stone, G.Weyer

Excused: W. Kurcewicz, A. Di Pietro

The meeting starts at 9.00 h

The spokesperson thanks P. Van Duppen for his work as ISCC chairperson.

1. Approval of the minutes of the 33rd meeting.

The minutes are approved.

2. INTC matters.

- H. Flocard reports on the previous day’s INTC meeting.  The INTC committee much appreciated the work of the ISOLDE technical team in providing the large number of shifts during 2002 and was impressed by the range of physics covered this year.

- H. Flocard is thanked for his 3 ½ years as INTC chairman.

- J. Äystö is welcomed as new INTC chairman.

3. Auditor’s report.

M. de Saint Simon presents the audit report for 2002 and a discussion follows.

- M. de Saint Simon is thanked for his work as ISOLDE auditor.

- A decision about the new auditor should be taken as soon as possible.

4. Draft budget for 2003

P. Butler presents a draft budget for 2003. It is decided to fix the budget at the ISCC meeting in February.

5. News from the PS Division

- M. Lindroos describes the organization of the new A&B Division. It was noted that the group headed by J. Lettry would no longer be working exclusively for ISOLDE.

- The design for a new ‘two part’ front end is presented.

- The possible extension of the ISOLDE experimental hall is discussed.

- It is noted that the PS ISOLDE budget will become ‘Full Cost’.

6. Schedule discussion for 2003
T. Nilsson notes that, during 2002, solid state physics regained its fraction of beam time.

- The ISOLDE running schedule for 2003 is presented. The physics program will start the 28th April and finish the 27th October, giving 181 days of operation.

- Miniball’s request for longer periods of continuous running time is briefly discussed.

7. Discussion of the REX-ISOLDE position document

- M. Lindroos presents the interim 6-year (3+3) arrangement required by the present CERN financial situation to convert REX-ISOLDE into a CERN Facility.

- The legal aspects of the required Memorandum of Understanding are discussed. It is agreed that the legal situation of this MoU, which is only a gentleman’s agreement, signed by C. Detraz for CERN should be clarified. This is to ensure that CERN cannot withdraw from the agreement after the first three years.

- A draft of the MoU will be prepared for the ISCC February meeting.

8. Standing group for upgrade of ISOLDE facility

- P. Butler presents the proposal to form a standing group for the upgrade of the ISOLDE facility. The committee congratulates those responsible for setting up this group.

- It is decided that, in 2003, the Standing Group will meet in the morning and the ISCC in the afternoon, on the day after each INTC meeting.

9. Spanish membership of the Collaboration

- B. Jonson summarizes the position of discussions with the Spanish delegate.

- The committee agrees that B. Jonson can negotiate the amount of the Spanish starting contribution.

- It is agreed that discussions with Portugal should begin, as they are also heavy ISOLDE users.

10. EURISOL matters

A discussion is held about the organization of EURISOL.

11. Discussion of the future of the ISOLDE Collaboration Committee.

- It is agreed that a young collaborator should be invited to attend future ISCC meetings.

- The subject of making the ISCC more visible is discussed and the following suggestions are made:

·         The minutes of the ISCC meetings should be posted on the web and the users should be notified of this.

·         The ISOLDE Newsletter should contain an article about how users should contact their country’s representative about matters to be discussed at ISCC meetings.

8. A.O.B.

- Philippe Dessagne will take over as the ISCC French representative.

- J. Aysto summarizes the position of the Joint Research Programs submitted to the I3NS.


The meeting ends at 12.30 h


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